This information is provided compliments of Blair Cohn, Executive Director of The Bixby Knolls Business Improvement Association.
Bixby Knolls’ First Fridays on November 5, 2010 is a celebration of anniversaries! We celebrate the 4th anniversary of First Fridays with a wide assortment of sights, sounds, and fabulous freaks as part of the celebration.
Among the anniversaries … Bella Cosa gift shop celebrating its 1st anniversary and Pixie Toys/Vangie Ogg Photography celebrates a 2nd anniversary in Bixby Knolls with very special activities planned in the stores. In addition, turning 40 is BMX (Bicycle Moto Cross) which was born in Long Beach.
November is jam packed with: Book signings, BMX exhibit, sound art, vintage vinyl, belly dancing, ukuleles, Mike the Poet, 80s music, spoken word, Dixieland, live artists, music student recitals, photo booth, pirates, Timstrument, Bixby Rollerettes, spontaneous dancing, vintage patches, jazz, charcoal portraits, and the Knolls Ranger.
Councilmember James Johnson’s “First Books at First Fridays” at the Dana Branch Library will feature Mayor Foster reading children’s books beginning at 5:30pm. Enjoy light refreshments and balloon animals for the kids.
First Fridays blurs the lines between artist and attendee with the "interactive" elements now in place. Contribute to "Poetry Box" where you can submit a poem using Bixby Knolls as the inspiration. This includes musings, rusings, reminiscing's, wives' tales, lore, mysteries, histories, stories, testimonies, confessions, and secrets.
Attendees are also encouraged to bring something to stick on the "Leave Something Behind" collage. Post a penny, photo, leaf, hair pin, cuff link, heirloom, or anything in your pocket to create a unique abstract collection. Also, bring your creativity for our community art piece where you pick up the pen and draw, sign your name, or leave your mark.
Stop by the First Fridays Information Table from 6:30pm - 8pm, located on the northwest corner of Bixby & Atlantic Ave, where you'll find info about First Fridays, maps, business info, and restaurant recommendations.
When the businesses start to close, "First Fridays After Hours" begins. Nino's Italian Restaurant will feature live artists, killer grooves and beats DJ TheeDopeShow & Mullato, for late night dining and beverages. The Factory also goes late into the night with food, drinks, and “Natalie’s Favorite Music Tracks.” Why go home early? Stay out late and continue the energy.
Dine on Art-Lantic Avenue at one of our tasty restaurants then grab the Big Red Bus that will transport you venue to venue from designated stops at the participating businesses.
For more information about living in Bixby Knolls and the real estate market in Long Beach just visit or use your smartphone to scan this tag.
For immediate information give me a call at 562-882-1581